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Is Curb Appeal Really That Important?


Updated: Jan 16, 2023


Curb appeal gives potential homebuyers their initial opinion of a house before they even enter! The appearance of the home's exterior can reveal what awaits on the other side. At the very least, the façade will influence whether potential purchasers want to bother to look at the inside. Plain and simple, if you're going to increase the value of your property, you should concentrate on boosting its curb appeal. Buyers will only request a viewing if they are led to believe that the inside is worth seeing. Curb appeal is your bait!


Curb appeal is the level of appeal that a property has when viewed from the street. For example, homes with outstanding curb appeal may catch your eye and appeal to passersby. If the house looks good and has the expected features such as the yard is well-kept, the paint is brilliant, the siding looks good, the roof is in good shape, then this will be 'appealing.' Curb appeal is more than just how a house looks; it is also a clever marketing tactic. Curb appeal aims to sell a home from the outside, as perceptions are set by curb appeal. If potential buyers like what they see on the outside, they are more likely to look inside to investigate further. These initial impressions are crucial. While improving the property's exterior may not be as thrilling, deciding what to do with the kitchen is more vital in many respects.


Absolutely! A home's lacklustre or poor curb appeal renders it unremarkable. If yours has a lovely green lawn, vibrant landscaping, and a freshly painted exterior, it will stand out from the other listings that haven't invested in the same effort. Sadly, many sellers focus all their money and energy on the home's interior. If the outside of the house seems neglected, purchasers will wonder what you have overlooked on the inside. Improving a home's exterior appeal will not only increase its value but will also speed up its sale!

Financial institutions base a home's value on the quality and amenities of the interior. This makes it difficult to determine how much curb appeal adds to a home's worth. On average, homes with well-kept lawns and excellent landscaping sell for 7 percent more than comparable homes with unappealing exteriors or ugly front yards.


Curb appeal is the first indicator of whether any home maintenance has been performed. The status of a home's exterior often corresponds to the state of its interior. If the grass is long or spotty, the paint on the house is faded or peeling, and the driveway is cracked, buyers will be concerned about what additional types of maintenance issues might be lurking inside. Are there interior deficiencies that have been possibly covered up or in places you can't see? For home purchasers, these issues rapidly translate to dollar signs and stress! As a result, these potential buyers will likely purchase another home to avoid these likely disasters. Keep in mind that as you drive into the neighborhood and even as you walk up to the door, potential buyers will notice all of the houses in the area. There will be direct comparisons everywhere, so if yours doesn't stand out in a good way, it may hinder a sale. When buyers arrive at your home, the first thing they see is how the house looks from the street curb. They realize that their families and friends will feel the same draw that they do or feel the same sense of repulsion if the home is in disrepair. So buyers generate a knee-jerk first impression by analyzing the façade and landscaping right away. This initial reaction is crucial. It immediately sets the tone for the tour and influences how potential buyers view the rest of the home. If a wrong initial impression is made, the potential purchasers feeling about the rest of the house will suffer as a result.


If you are serious about selling, determine which items in your home need to be updated. Curb attractiveness matters both night and day. Check your lighting and add and replace bulbs and fixtures as necessary. Any evidence of mold or mildew should be addressed immediately, as these will turn off potential purchasers. Better still, seek to eradicate any moisture sources that could be the root cause of the problem. Windows and gutters significantly influence curb appeal, whether they need to be updated, cleaned, added, or repaired. To make your outside entrance welcoming include colorful planters, doormats, legible house numbers, and a freshly painted door. Make sure your handles and locks are in good condition because a soft handle will be noticed immediately and lead the buyer to believe the house has not been well maintained entirely. In addition, a damaged lock could create anxiety about security.


Some of these renovations may be more expensive than you anticipated, but they will have a significant impact on your selling price. While spending time and money on the interior is crucial, upgrading your curb appeal will help you attract potential buyers and ensure a sale promptly.

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